" مشاركتك في ألعاب الصيف يعبر عن تمسكك بحقك في اللعب والترفيه
"أهلا وسهلا بكم في موقعنا نتمنى لكم زيارة ممتعة

الاثنين، 11 أبريل 2011

call of peace

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful

It was a raining day when our school arranged a program with the mission of " Call of Peace "
The program took place at Al Salama Society Hall at 10:00 a.m on 5th of April, 2011.
The program started by holy verses of Quraan Kareem and the student Zinab Hamad.
She recited some verses of Luqman Chapter. It was followed by a welcoming speech release by Mrs. Nawal
the School principal who welcomed the audiance and confirmed the mission of peace call.
Later, Arms and the Man is performed by the students on the stage. It was a social comedy
discussing unity and peace.
Later, the audiance enjoyed the musical show which was about peace and love around the world.
By the time, the puppet theatre and two short dramas were performed by the 7th grade students.
Finally,Mrs. Nawal and the parents council distributed gifts among the winners in writing poems about peace.
Everybody was happy
Let's thank:
Miss: Amani the stage director and puppet designer.
Mrs: Falastin, the show director
All teachers of English
Support by:
Mrs. Nawal Al Mujaber
Mrs Samah Najim

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