" مشاركتك في ألعاب الصيف يعبر عن تمسكك بحقك في اللعب والترفيه
"أهلا وسهلا بكم في موقعنا نتمنى لكم زيارة ممتعة

الثلاثاء، 17 مايو 2011

Stone soup " A traing Lesson "

 In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious the Ever Merciful
Mrs. Noura El Bacha had performed a training lesson for the 6th graders.
The lesson was for unit 20 lesson 1 and entitled
the Stone Soup

Mrs. Noura started by greeting the class followed by a guessing game. What's in the box. The teacher puzzled the students about a hidden object in the box and the students guessed the object.

Spidergrams,hidden words, and revision of the important vocabulary of the lesson took place before the presentation of the lesson. The students and the teacher used special printed worksheets to apply the written activities.

 Then the teacher presented the new vocabulary. A cartoon film for the story was also presented to the students who felt happy to see the whole story in cartoon.
The teacher applied most of the sub-skills of reading, skimming, scanning and getting specific information by reading paragraphs and later, the students told each other what they had learnt from the lesson.

Group work, pair work, free discussion and mingling were all applied during the lesson activities
By the end of the lesson, a group of students acted the story out

Mrs. Nawal the school principal and her diputy assistant Mrs. Samah Nijim and all teachers of English granted Mrs. Noura their feedback about the lesson which was perfect and their smile during the lesson proved this. Thanks for Mrs. Noura for her performance

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